cut off nose to spite face
- cut off nose to spite face
1) Общая лексика: в порыве злости действовать во вред себе, желая досадить другому, причинить вред себе, напакостить себе, повредить
2) Разговорное выражение: поступить на зло кондуктору (: купить билет и выйти)
3) Австралийский сленг: и себе не дам и другим не дам, ни себе ни людям, перечеркнуть свои надежды, пакостя другим, перечеркнуть свои планы, пакостя другим
4) Макаров: в порыве злости действовать во вред себе, в порыве злости действовать во вред самому себе, желая досадить другому, причинить вред себе, причинить вред себе, желая досадить другому, себе навредить, чтоб другому досадить
5) Поговорка: назло мужу сяду в лужу
6) Фразеологизм: причинить вред себе пытаясь причинить вред другому
Универсальный англо-русский словарь.
Смотреть что такое "cut off nose to spite face" в других словарях:
cut off nose to spite face — cut off (your) nose to spite (your) face to do something because you are angry, even if it will cause trouble for you. The next time he treats me like that, I m just going to quit my job. Isn t that a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your… … New idioms dictionary
cut off nose to spite your face — cut off (your) nose to spite (your) face to do something because you are angry, even if it will cause trouble for you. The next time he treats me like that, I m just going to quit my job. Isn t that a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your… … New idioms dictionary
cut off your nose to spite face — cut off (your) nose to spite (your) face to do something because you are angry, even if it will cause trouble for you. The next time he treats me like that, I m just going to quit my job. Isn t that a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your… … New idioms dictionary
cut off your nose to spite your face — see ↑nose, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑cut cut off your nose to spite your face see ↑nose, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑face cut off your nose to spite your face : to do something tha … Useful english dictionary
cut off your nose to spite your face — If you cut off your nose to spite your face, you do something rash or silly that ends up making things worse for you, often because you are angry or upset … The small dictionary of idiomes
cut off your nose to spite your face — cut off (your) nose to spite (your) face to do something because you are angry, even if it will cause trouble for you. The next time he treats me like that, I m just going to quit my job. Isn t that a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your… … New idioms dictionary
cut off one's nose to spite one's face — ► cut off one s nose to spite one s face disadvantage oneself through a wilful attempt to gain an advantage. Main Entry: ↑nose … English terms dictionary
cut off one's nose to spite one's face — To injure or disadvantage oneself through an act of revenge or anger towards another • • • Main Entry: ↑nose * * * hurt oneself in the course of trying to hurt another … Useful english dictionary
cut off — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you cut something off, you remove it with a knife or a similar tool. [V P n (not pron)] Mrs Kreutz cut off a generous piece of the meat... [V n P n (not pron)] He cut me off a slice... [V n P … English dictionary
cut off one's nose to spite one's face — {v. phr.} To suffer from an action intended originally to harm another person. * /In walking out and leaving his employer in the lurch, John really cut off his nose to spite his face, since no business wanted to hire him afterwards./ … Dictionary of American idioms
cut off one's nose to spite one's face — {v. phr.} To suffer from an action intended originally to harm another person. * /In walking out and leaving his employer in the lurch, John really cut off his nose to spite his face, since no business wanted to hire him afterwards./ … Dictionary of American idioms